research article
Improved predictive control in multi-modular matrix converter for six-phase generation systems
Toledo Gallardo, Sergio Ramón
Maqueda, Edgar Marcial
Rivera, Marco
Gregor Recalde, Raul Igmar
Wheeler, Pat
Romero, Carlos
Distributed generation systems are emerging as a good solution as part of the response to the world’s growing energy demand. In this context multi-phase wind generation systems are a feasible option. These systems consist of renewable AC sources which requires efficient and controlled power conversion stages. This work proposes a novel predictive current control strategy that takes advantage of a multi-modular matrix converter topology in the power stage of a six-phase generation system. The proposed method uses a coupling signal between the modules to decrease the error and the total harmonic distortion compared to independent control of each module. Experimental results validate the new control strategy showing the improvement regarding the target parameters. CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología PROCIENCIA