La palabra como pincel del desengaño: la écfrasis y el vanitas en tres sonetos del Príncipe del Esquilache
María del Mar Rodríguez Zárate
The present study pretends to observe how the artistic sensibility of the Prince of Esquilache takes the "well-known" Baroque topics, but under an anticipated technique: the ekphrasis. Therefore, the relevance of the analysis, in light of this poetic apparatus, shows a possible reading capable of vindicating the work of the Francisco de Borja y Aragon within the framework of contemporary criticism. In the first instance, the knowledge and the plastic preoccupation of the prince will be traced, in the light of an ecfrastico work as critical as literary. Consequently, the presence of vanitas plastic elements in their sonnets LI, LXXIV and XXXVII will be highlighted, whose lyrical construction shows the baroque thematic of disappointment from a plastic-lyrical perspective. As a theoretical framework will be used, mainly, to the mentions of: Del Arco, Zaldivar, Gili Gaya, Vives-Ferrandiz Sanchez, Pimentel, Agudelo Rendon, Riffaterre and Jimenez Belmonte.