dc.description.abstract | This article offers keys of understanding and pedagogical orientations to promote the encounter with beauty in Catholic schools. First, the article presents ‘Via Pulchritudinis [The way of beauty]: paths of evangelisation and dialogue,’ published by the Pontifical Council for Culture (2006) [http://www.cultura.va/content/cultura/en/pub/documenti/ViaPulchritudinis.html]. Through three lines of argument concerning nature, art, and Christ as the model and prototype of Christian beauty, Via Pulchritudinis proposes that beauty is a crucial dimension of evangelisation. Building on contemporary educational research, the article introduces different meanings of beauty that converge with Via Pulchritudinis and explore their pedagogical implications. Second, the article describes a school example that includes six figures, showing how Catholic schools can incorporate beauty within everyday tasks. Finally, the article offers pedagogical guidelines to motivate Catholic schools to follow the way of beauty: to develop dialogues around the understanding and experience of beauty, consider the school environment as an expression of holistic beauty, integrate the aesthetic dimension into the whole curriculum, and cultivate a beautiful liturgy. | |