dc.description.abstract | In the inner heliosphere, space measurements have revealed that plasma can be
described by the Kappa distributions family, which are characterized by the value
of κ, indicating how far plasma is from the ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann equilibrium
distribution. In magnetized plasma with enough temperature, spontaneous emissions
such as magnetic fluctuations can emerge when a free source of energy is available.
When supra-thermal plasma species are involved, these emissions get enhanced, and
the Kappa distribution family improves the description of the related non-thermal
effects. However, the lack of agreement over Kappa distribution interpretations and
applications highlights the need for further exploration to gain a proper understanding
of their properties and applications.
In this work, we present a systematic and quantitative comparison of Kappa distributed magnetized plasma with the Original-Olbertian and Modified versions of
Kappa distributions through electromagnetic fluctuations in different temperature
anisotropy (A), plasma beta (β), and kappa value (κ) scenarios. Our results show
that Olbertian-Kappa electron species exhibit high energy levels that scale with
increasing values of β and decreasing values of κ, even when the same thermal
speed is considered for all studied cases. Conversely, Modified-Kappa supra-thermal
electron species exhibit less total magnetic energy results with lower kappa values,
even when compared to the Maxwell distribution equilibrium results in the same
macroscopic parameter configuration.
This work demonstrates quantitative differences in the spectrum of magnetic
fluctuations when Kappa distributions are involved. With this study, we aim to
provide a powerful spectrum analysis tool to gain insights about κ-distributed plasma
in space via indirect measurements of fluctuating field correlations | |