Artículo de revista
Self-Realization management profile and satisfaction of basic psychological needs of workers: A correlational study.
Vargas Téllez, Juan Alberto
Considering theoretical framework of the humanists’ theories of Self-realization and Self-determination, a study was carried out in four footwear companies in the city of Leon, State of Guanajuato. We applied the POI (Personal Orientation Inventory) to 18 supervisors and a Questionaire of Psychological Needs Satisfaction at Work to 366 workers. Correlations were made of 12 scales of the POI and 21 items of the Questionnaire. Among the relevant data, it was observed that five scales I (Self-concept), Sav (Affirmation of Selfrealization values), Sr (Self-concept), Sa (Selfacceptance) and Sy (Synergy), had correlations of 0.4 or more (positive or negative) in six or more items, demonstrating the possibility to have the influence of the authority figure on Self-realization or Self-actualization degree (in this case supervisor’s), with the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and socialization of workers.