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Diagnóstico sobre el tratamiento de residuos sólidos reciclables en la zona urbana del municipio de Buenaventura
Bueno Torres, Alexandra
García Valencia, Gustavo Andrés
Bueno Torres, Stephanie
The present article consists in specify the treatment of recyclable garbage in the district of Buenaventura, through diagnostic research that determines the work Distrital Administration, the cleaning company (operator) and the formal gathering centers (junk yards) do about the treatment of garbage; either mitigate the environmental impact this produces or economical benefit, also having as theory bases the way the ideal treatment should be. It also compiles some successfully experiences worldwide, regional and the positive impacts environmentally and economically.Interpretative and qualitative methods like interviews, secondary sources and surveys to the 30 junkyards registered in chamber of commerce, were used to analyze the daily quantities that are recycled in this centers, the price of purchase, which recyclable garbage is the most commercial,and in this way determine the quantity of monthly recyclable garbage.The present article consist to pinpoint the treatment of solid waste recyclables in the district of Buenaventura, through diagnostic research determined that administration of the district, the cleaning company (operator) and the formal gathering centers (junk yards) when it come to the treatment of the solid waste, Evan when it comes to mitigate the impact of the environment that this produces or for the benefit of the economy, also for it to have like a bases of theory it should be the ideal treatment. It also complies with some experiences that were very successful worldwide, regional. The impact was very positive environmentally and economically. It was utilized in methods such as interpretive, qualitative like interviews, secondary sources and surveys,30 junkyards that were registered with the chamber of commerce. The amount daily of recyclables in the centers, the price of purchase, recyclables that are most commercialized. All of these things determine the amount of solid waste recycled monthly. El presente artículo consiste en precisar el tratamiento de los residuos sólidos reciclables en el Distrito de Buenaventura, por medio de un diagnóstico donde se determina el trabajo que la administración distrital, la empresa de aseo (operador) y los centros de acopio formales (chatarrerías) realizan sobre el tratamiento de los residuos; ya sea para mitigar el impacto ambiental que estos producen o por beneficio económico, además de tener como bases teóricas cómo debería ser el tratamiento ideal. Igualmente compila algunas experiencias exitosas a nivel mundial, regional y los impactos positivos tanto ambientales como económicos. Se utilizaron los métodos interpretativos y cualitativos como entrevistas, fuentes secundarias y encuestas a las 30 chatarrerías inscritas en Cámara de Comercio, las cuales permitieron analizar las cantidades diarias que son recicladas en estos centros de acopio, el precio de compra, cuál es el residuo que más se comercializa, y de esta forma determinar las cantidad de residuos sólidos reciclados mensualmente.