Book chapter
Reconstruir la proximidad con el agua
Centro cultural marítimo
Torres Giraldo, Juan Sebastian
Capitulo de libro ( Arquitectura ), Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño , Pereira 2022 Considerando las múltiples estrategias de intervención en la arquitectura, la memoria juega un papel muy importante como medio para activar decisiones proyectuales. Son múltiples las formas de entender la memoria, se estructura un concepto con el que se desarrollará la estrategia de intervención urbana que definirá unos límites Espacios - Temporales, en este caso entendiendo la memoria como la reconstrucción del futuro. Ahora bien, Las decisiones proyectuales se ven reflejadas en este caso por el estudio de antecedentes históricos (vestigios) que fueron analizados desde la imagen histórica marítima de la isla, asociado al canal Havnebus como partícipe en la transformación territorial de la isla. Teniendo como fin Contribuir con el fortalecimiento de las expresiones culturales en Copenhague - Dinamarca con proyección de estudio en la isla slotsholmen a través de rehabilitar el museo de guerra danés y una nueva infraestructura físico espacial (centro cultural marítimo) que albergue manifestaciones artísticas correlacionadas. / Abstract : Considering the multiple intervention strategies in architecture, memory plays a very important role as a means to activate design decisions. This is why it seeks to articulate through architecture; memory as an intervention strategy. There are multiple ways of understanding memory, based on understanding the concept of memory from different disciplinary fields, a concept is structured with which the urban intervention strategy will be developed that will define space-time limits, in this case understanding memory as the reconstruction of the future. Capable of transmitting to reconstruct a new memory. Now, memory as an intervention strategy may have in common the study of historical antecedents, but it leads to questioning. How are historical events reflected today (regardless of their context) and serve as a means to activate project decisions capable of transmitting to reconstruct a new memory? Like memory, there are multiple ways in which historical events are reflected today, one
way is through the study of vestiges, which play a very important role and make each place unique and serve as a means of show something that happened. (Material evidence) Allowing to identify elements loaded with history of a specific context (Copenhagen - Denmark) as a means to activate design decisions. The project decisions are reflected in this case by the study of historical background (traces) that were analyzed from the historical maritime image of the island, associated with the Havnebus channel as a participant in the territorial transformation of the island. With the aim of contributing to the strengthening of cultural expressions in Copenhagen - Denmark with a study projection on
the slotsholmen island through rehabilitating the Danish war museum and a new spatial physical infrastructure (maritime cultural center) that houses correlated artistic manifestations. Universidad Católica de Pereira. Director trabajo de grado : Juan Carlos Gonzalez Ceballos