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Internship at public institution Santa Rosa de Lima sede seis de marzo
Narváez Argumedo, Andrea Paola
This document reports the development of the internship at Santa Rosa de Lima - Sede Seis de Marzo, which was carried out in person with learners from transition grade to fifth grade. The pedagogical intervention was based on supporting this population in educational processes of learning English as a second language. My main aim in this internship was to create spaces where children had closer relationships with the English language. I attempted to implement activities with the methodological strategies that were based on the HLTP Target Language Comprehensibility and Establishing a Meaningful and Purposeful Context. 1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................6 2. HIGH LEVERAGE TEACHING PRACTICES.......................................................8 2.1 Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility..................................... 9 2.2 Establishing a Meaningful and Purposeful Context for Language Instruction......................... 10 3. METHODOLOGY................................. 11 3.1 Duties chart............................................ 13 4. RESULTS ........................................14 4.1 Analysis of the implementation of the practice ‘Target Language Comprehensibility.............................17 4.2 Analysis of the implementation of the practice “Establishing a Meaningful and Purposeful Context for Language Instruction”.......................... 24 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................. 29 6. LIMITATIONS....................................................................31 7. REFERENCES.................................33 8 APPENDICES.....................................................................34 Pregrado Licenciado(a) en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades-Inglés Pasantías