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A personal leadership statement
Bulasco Flórez, Liliana María
Rodríguez Montiel, Lina Marcela
First of all, this document starts with the meaning of leadership and empowerment and discusses the concept of empowering leadership and how important is to put in practice is to achieve goals. Individually or collectively. It summarize the tools and measuring instruments of empowering leadership. Second, on the basis of Some researches, it shows the antecedents and effectiveness as well as about this method. Finally, the implications of characterizing ourselves as empowered leaders and all the benefits and implications for us as future teacher leaders. Our Leadership Profile
As future leaders we visualize ourselves more as people able of preparing and
learning from different bases and methodologies to know how to guide those who want to
learn from our knowledge. Inspire and motivate their actions by making them see that they
have the personality to do it by themselves and achieve their own ideals.
“Becoming leader is being part of important process of personal and mental growing
that enhance people’s behavior and thinking. Being a leader means being helpful”
—Bulasco & Rodriguez, Personal Leadership Statement Abstract
First of all, this document starts with the meaning of leadership and empowerment and
discusses the concept of empowering leadership and how important is to put in practice is to
achieve goals. Individually or collectively. It summarize the tools and measuring instruments
of empowering leadership. Second, on the basis of Some researches, it shows the antecedents
and effectiveness as well as about this method. Finally, the implications of characterizing
ourselves as empowered leaders and all the benefits and implications for us as future teacher
leaders. 1. Introduction
Leader is a person who sets goals for his/her people or teammates, and then leads or rallies
them to achieve those goals. Leader and Leadership are quite old terms. Stogdill (1950)
leadership as "the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts
toward goal setting and goal achievement". This was perhaps the first effort to point out that
leadership was not a mere individual trait but a process of influence upon others. Stogdill also
defined the purpose of that process: "goal setting and goal achievement". Stogdill (1950) It is
important for teachers to have leadership because it is the process by which teachers,
individually or collectively, influence their colleagues, principals, and other members of the
school communities to improve teaching and learning practices with the aim of increased
student learning and achievement.
Educational leadership is fundamental because teacher leaders are facilitators within the
school and can be an important element in spreading and strengthening school reform and
improvement, as Fritz & Miller said “Effective leadership by the instructional leader, however, may
provide a platform for improving the teaching process.” (2003, p.14), that idea supports our view
that is about improving the teaching process throughout an effective leadership. Educational
improvement at the instructional level, for example, involves leadership by teachers in the
classroom. leadership in education has become relevantly important, the teacher has the task
of turning their students into capable, competent, independent people, who will always have
an initiative and that is how each student will make a difference and thus cause an impact
positive in society. Our Assumptions
People without a leader, it is like a journey without a destination, there is no fixed point
to reach, since a leader is necessary to motivate his group to work hard to achieve goals, he is
the one who guides where and what tools I should use to reach the goal, it is that example of
overcoming which is not stopped by obstacles. Given the creative, collaborative, and
studentcentered nature of makerspaces, they are likely to foster students’ initiatives and
leadership in organizing their activities and managing their mutual relationships (see, e.g.,
Martin 2015).
Leadership as an interactional, socially situated process, which emerges and evolves
during students’ collaboration. Likewise Frost & Harris stated that “teacher leadership could
therefore explore the factors that shape teachers’ capacity for personal vision building” (2003, p. 13),
this means that teacher leaders are slightly important for the learning process, as they improve it and
also, they enhance their own mistakes and capacities. Individual students’ leadership moves have
a contributory role in this process (e.g., Gronn, 2000Kantor et al. 1993; Mawson 2011) The
existing body of research suggests that leadership is a complex and emergent process (Li et al.
2007; Mercier et al.)
In the field education many school leaders enter into the position with high hopes of
having a deep impact but are not always prepared for what they find. School leadership has
the potential to be awesome. Leadership is about understanding how to get people to work
together, having a deep understanding of learning, and building the capacity of everyone
around them. This means that schools, universities have to form people that want to be leaders,
need to find ways to expose potential leaders to all of the goodness, as well as the hardships,
that come with the position.
These are the questions that we will try to answer the questions are the following:
How did I do whit the responsibilities of leadership that we have?
What kind of leadership style do we use over the years?
What kind of legacy do we want to leave in the group we lead?
We want to be completed leaders who can do big things as individually as in group. Our
actions define us. Let’s be good leaders! Leadership Empowerment and Implication for the Future
To be good leaders, we have traced a path in which we learn to teach together and hand
in hand with the students, being teachers, we are leaders in the classroom and we not only
teach a particular subject, but things that help for the day to day. According to -John, Q.A "If
your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a
leader." This means that as empowered leaders we must motivate others to do more and say
less, that they be able to set goals and meet them with their own effort and merit, overcoming
every obstacle that comes their way.
Leadership is the process of guiding others to overcome struggles in the development
of common goals throughout inspiring them to follow the best way. This process implies more
than the leader; it is also important the followers that are the ones who approve or not the decision of the leader. It implies influence, changes, desire, intention, follower, purpose,
personal responsibility and integrity, purposes, which are the objectives that we have to work
together and have the results that are expected when teaching. But if we talk about teacher
empowerment it is important to say that “Teachers are expected to be in complete control of
students, content, teaching strategies, and evaluation in the classroom…” (Short, 1992, p. 5),
however, those situations are not full in charge of the teacher, because they should follow
administrator that are the leaders at the schools. So, empowerment is so important and
adequate if we want to make successful processes of learning.
We as future leaders, after having taken this diploma course, we will set ourselves
goals that carry out everything related to the characteristics of a good leader, we’ll impart our knowledge to those who especially find it difficult to take a step forward on their own, we
have the task of transforming our students so that they are good leaders and thus be able to
change this basic performance modality in the different situations that arise and take initiatives
that obtain achievements of positive impact and improvement for society. Conclusion
In conclusion, empowerment has become a very important tool in our days since it
involves a constant search to be better. This search brings with it a quality in teachers and
institutions and, in turn. helps to train people with better capacities and attitudes willing
to make a better world. We must be clear that a good leader represents a figure that is behind
all the actions fulfilled in order to help his or her team so that everyone develops and grows
in their work. The leader manages an organization to carry out all the activities, gives
confidence to his students, and always teaches how to be a good teacher when making
mistakes. He knows all his students and has the ability to detect the abilities, weaknesses and
strengths, always with passion and with the desire to teach. These are some of the qualities
that make a great leader. References
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47(1), 1-14. Pregrado Licenciado(a) en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades-Inglés Monografías