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Seguimiento a los indicadores de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal en el periodo 2018-2021 en el municipio Planeta Rica, Córdoba
Cardona Sánchez, Diana María
Perinatal and neonatal mortality is a problem faced by different countries worldwide
and Colombia is no exception, due to this an investigation is carried out on this
topic in the municipality of Planeta Rica, Córdoba with the objective of Through a
documentary review, a follow-up of the indicators of perinatal and neonatal
mortality in the period 2018-2021 in the municipality of Planeta Rica, Córdoba
According to the time of occurrence of death in Colombia, the highest proportion
are perinatal deaths before delivery with 48.2% (568), followed by early neonatal
deaths with 27.8% (328), late neonatal deaths with 13.8% (162) and intrapartum
perinatal with 10.2% (120).
According to the grouped causes of death, the highest proportion was observed in:
other causes of death 26.3%, mainly disorders of perinatal and placental origin,
followed by prematurity-immaturity 24.0% and asphyxia and related causes 21.2%
(National Institute of Health 2021).
In the municipality of Planeta Rica Córdoba, in studies carried out by the
Departmental Health Secretariat between 2018 and 2021, there have been 71
registered cases, with a downward trend due to the fact that the controls that have
been carried out are so that in In 2018, 20 cases were reported, in 2019 a total of
17 cases, in 2020 an increase due to the pandemic caused by the Covid-19
disease, but by 2021 controls were resumed, presenting 16 cases. INTRODUCCIÓN.............................................................. 11 1. OBJETIVOS........................................................................... 13 1.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL................................................................ 13 1.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS................................................. 13 2. MARCO REFERENCIAL................................ 14 2.1. MARCO LEGAL................................. 14 2.2. MARCO CONCEPTUAL.......................................... 15 2.3 MARCO TEÓRICO............................................... 18 3. METODOLOGÍA...................................................... 26 3.1 TIPO DE ESTUDIO......................................26 3.2 ESCENARIO DE ESTUDIO....................................... 26 3.3 POBLACIÓN, TIPO DE MUESTREO, CÁLCULO DEL TAMAÑO DE LA MUESTRA 27 3.4 MÉTODOS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS....... 27 3.5 PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN..... 27 3.6 PLAN PARA LA TABULACIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE DATOS....... 27 4. ASPECTOS ÉTICOS Y LEGISLATIVOS........ 28 5. RESULTADOS.................... 29 6. DISCUSIÓN.......................... 31 7. CONCLUSIONES.................................. 32 8. RECOMENDACIONES.......................................... 33 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS ............................................... La mortalidad perinatal y neonatal es una problemática con la que se enfrentan los diferentes países a nivel mundial y Colombia no es la excepción, debido a esto se realiza una investigación acerca de este tema en el municipio de Planeta Rica, Córdoba con el objetivo de Realizar a través de revisión documental un seguimiento a los indicadores de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal en el periodo 2018-2021 en el municipio Planeta Rica, Córdoba Pregrado Administrador(a) en Salud Práctica Empresarial