Between Resistance and Adaptation: Indigenous Peoples and the Colonization of the Chocó, 1510 1753
Williams, Caroline A.
eng: This is a study of the interactions between Indians and Spaniards in the Chocó throughout much of the colonial period, revealing the complexity of inter-ethnic relations in frontier regions. The book considers the changing relationships not only between Spaniards and Indians but also between factions of both groups, showing how Spaniards and Indians sometimes allied with each other against other ethnically mixed groups with different agendas. spa: Se trata de un estudio de las interacciones entre indios y españoles en el Chocó durante gran parte del periodo colonial, que revela la complejidad de las relaciones interétnicas en las regiones fronterizas. El libro considera las cambiantes relaciones no sólo entre españoles e indios, sino también entre facciones de ambos grupos, mostrando cómo españoles e indios se aliaron a veces contra otros grupos étnicamente mixtos con diferentes agendas. Introduction Chapter One Discovery, Exploration and First Experiments in Colonisation Chapter Two The Adelantado Juan Velez de Guevara and the Colonisation of the Chocó, 1638–1643 Chapter Three New Experiments in Colonisation, 1666–1673 Chapter Four Conversion and Control: The Franciscans in the Chocó, 1673–677 Chapter Five Protest and Rebellion, 1680–1684 Chapter Six Government and Society on the Frontier Chapter Seven Resistance and Adaptation under Spanish Rule: The Peoples of Citará, 1700–1750 Chapter Eight Conclusion