dc.contributorParra Leon, Nydia
dc.creatorMarroquin Marroquin, Angelica Yorleny
dc.creatorCruz Castro, Flor Nataly
dc.description.abstractIn the present work we will talk about the most outstanding facts that generate a high personnel turnover in Colombian companies, in turn some recommendations will be made aimed at avoiding personnel turnover in some of the companies that will be surveyed, this topic was selected due Because we show that in Colombia, regardless of the economic sector, a high turnover of personnel can be observed, seriously affecting the productivity of companies and, in turn, generating high costs in small and large companies. One of the main causes of staff turnover is the search for flexibility in their work, this happens more commonly with young staff who prefer remote jobs in which they can have better time management and more space to develop their social life . Staff turnover can be voluntary, when it is the worker who decides to terminate his employment relationship to seek a job more in line with his needs, and it can also be involuntary when it is the employer who decides to terminate the employment relationship. The staff that rotates the most in Colombian companies is between 20 and 29 years old, making up 74% of the turnover rate. Some of the disadvantages caused by this turnover are low productivity, since every time a new person arrives, to take a prudent time to learn to carry out their activities or adapt to the rhythm of work, an economic impact is also generated with the recruitment of personnel, the training of the new worker, and the time to make the connection, a great rotation of personnel also it affects the image of the company and creates a bad work environment.
dc.rightsBloqueado (Texto referencial)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleHechos Que Provocan La Rotación De Personal En Las Empresas Colombianas a partir del año 2020

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