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Metodologias de fusão de imagens ópticas e de radar para identificar alvos representativos na várzea Amazônica.
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In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 14., 2009, Natal. Anais... São José dos Campos: INPE, 2009.
ABSTRACT - At the Amazonian basin, the strong amplitude of variation of water level draining generates systematic floodings in vast zones called “varzea” (floodplain). This work aims to develop a methodological approach to analyze patterns and techniques to discriminate representative areas of Amazon floodplains using combined, optical (Landsat sensor) and radar (R99B Brasilian Air Force), remotely sensed data providing the delimitation and the identification of representative targets of these areas. Two study areas, selected based on data availability, were located in the regions of the cities of Manaus and Iranduba – AM. For the identification of representative targets in the varzea, we used two image fusion techniques - principal components and IHS transform. The result of this process were hybrid images that have joined a good spatial and spectral resolutions, so we can identify with precision the targets selected. The results were compared with field data. The study had an important support of ProVárzea/Ibama (The Floodplain “Várzea” Natural Resources Management Project), specifically from the group dealing with GIS-based data management for floodplain monitoring.