O sentido da arte no movimento estudantil de ocupação da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), campus de Sorocaba em 2018
2023-04-06Registro en:
Mathias, Mércia Santana
The present production deals with the investigation with the students who participated in the student occupation movement of the Federal University of São Carlos - Campus Sorocaba in the year 2018. The focus of the investigation focuses on the analysis of the production of the cultural agenda created by the occupation movement, investigating about the meaning attributed to art by students in the context of occupation. Through the elaboration of the form with open and closed questions, the students who participated in the movement provided valuable contributions to the understanding of the meaning of art and its attribution. It was important, therefore, to determine whether the choice was based on simple entertainment, in the sense of occupying useful time on campus, or whether there was a more specific concept. Therefore, we sought to answer what is the importance attributed to art in the context of student occupation at UFSCar-So in 2018? The answers were categorized and analyzed, using qualitative and quantitative approaches, also observing their connections and crossings. For a better understanding that would lead to a more detailed analysis, it was necessary to elaborate some deepening of questions brought by the students, being this the base of the development of the conjectures in this production. Through the appropriation of the analyzes of the presented answers, it was reached the perception that, in a little conscious way, the students of the occupation movement gave a cathartic sense to the art, that is, the art fulfilled its primordial sense. The cultural agenda was a collective, dynamic and articulated construction, contributing to the adhesion, cohesion and visibility of the movement, with the use of social networks as a supporting element.