Avaliação do impacto da alteração do regime de distúrbios no processo de invasão biológica através da modelagem matemática
2022-09-30Registro en:
Felipe, Igor Augusto
The disturbance occurrences resulting in habitat destruction and fragmentation can limit
the species’ movement on the landscape and facilitate the introduction of invasive species
with high competitive abilities. The biological invasion can reduce the native species
diversity when native species present low fitness to explore different patch qualities on
the post-disturbance landscape. However, the coexistence of native and invasive species
can be possible when species respond differently to changes in patch qualities through to
disturbs/restoration events on habitats of the landscape. Using mathematical modeling
as an analytic tool, this present study has the following aims: (i) to evaluate the impact
of different degrees of fragmentation and spatial patterns of disturbance occurrence on
landscape on the probability of establishment of invasive species, coexistence or native
species displacement; (ii) to evaluate the occupation and distribution of species across
the landscape, given different times and intensity of habitat restoration after disturbances
have occurred and (iii) to evaluate the role of dispersion in the biological invasion process,
that is, in the colonization and establishment of the invasive species.