A política nacional de desenvolvimento regional na era da financeirização - reflexos de uma coalizão entre estado e mercado: apontamentos a partir do fundo de desenvolvimento da amazônia
2023-02-16Registro en:
Botelho, Matheus Anderson
The present work seeks, to contribute to studies on Regional Development with emphasis on approaches typical of Political Science, Economic Sociology and Finance. To this end, we highlight the trajectory of both studies and policies on regional development in Brazil, which date back to the end of the 1950s, based on the contributions of CEPAL structuralism and the formulations of the Grupo de Trabalho para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (GTDN) led by Celso Furtado. Although the Amazônia already had an institutional framework for regional development, such as the Banco de Crédito da Borracha and the Superintendência de Valorização Econômica da Amazônia (SPVEA), it was only after the creation of the Superintendência de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (SUDENE) that regional development policies in Brazil started to be, in a certain way, integrated. What we seek in this paper is to analyze the possible existence of a correlation between regional development, especially in the Amazônia, and the phenomenon of financialization, considered by some of the literature as a symptom of neoliberalism. To this end, we will focus on one of the instruments of the PNDR, the Fundo de Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (FDA), managed by the Superintendêbncia de Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (SUDAM) in collaboration, above all, with the Banco da Amazônia (BASA). For this analysis we will dedicate ourselves specifically to one of the major undertakings financed by the fund. The case in question presents specificities that raise the hypothesis that there is a deep relationship between financialization and regional development in Brazil, at least in recent years such as the logic behind the financing of the FDA, as well as the way in which the operating company responsible for the construction, maintenance and management of the plant is set up: a holding company composed of public and private capital.