Trança de gente: mulheres negras e relações intergeracionais na superação do racismo
2022-08-30Registro en:
Bellini, Daniela Mara Gouvêa
The thesis entitled “TRANCE OF PEOPLE: Black Women and intergenerational relations in overcoming racism” has the goal to investigate how intergenerational solidarity takes place in three families with different generations among black women and girls. Being based on the work of Paulo Freire and bell hooks, and founded on Ramón Flecha’s concept of dialogical learning, it was possible to present key concepts for this work: love, education, dream and science. The dialogical feminism is also key in the analysis of the dialogues and life stories presented here. Having communicative research as methodological basis, this work relied on communicative in-depth interviews and advisory board, techniques for data collection and validation of data analysis. The data were collected during the pandemic season of COVID-19 in a virtual way, so that the research participants and researcher would not put at risk of contamination, and were analyzed from two dimensions: exclusionary and transformative. In the case of this research, the exclusionary elements were the barriers encountered by the women for effectuation of rights and promotion of a greater social equity, -while the transformative elements were those that helped them overcome the barriers encountered to schooling and to the confrontation of racism. The communicative in-depth interviews revealed that the school education is a social protection factor for the black women and girls, for when they have access to contents such as mathematics, reading, writing, history, geography, sciences, anti-racist education etc. they are able to give effective answers to overcome and prevent racism, they also indicate that when a black woman is strengthened and supported by intergenerational solidarity, she feels the need to also be in solidarity with other black women around her and with the next generations. Finally, they reveal that the intergenerational solidarity among black women ensures high schooling, better living conditions and immediate response to situations of racism. Overall, the voices of black women and girls contributed to advancing social, cultural and educational understanding about the exclusionary and transformative dimensions in the lives of black women and girls, focusing on intergenerational solidarity and how the relations between them are established.