Dinâmicas de gênero no parlamento das águas: o caso do Comitê de bacia Rio Pardo (SP)
2022-10-04Registro en:
Souza, Janaina dos Santos de
This work focused on analyzing the conflicts and dynamics of gender relations in the water
parliament, more specifically in the management unit of the Rio Pardo Basin Committee
(CBH-Pardo), which is a fundamental space in terms of the economy paulista, mainly due to
sugarcane monoculture activities. Considering the participatory character proposed by this
governance model, we seek to understand the participation of women in this management
instance from its first management team, started in 1996, until the management of the year
2019, also highlighting the plenary with the right to vote. It is important to emphasize that this
analysis did not take place only in terms of the number these women, but in the participatory
quality and in the way of their insertion in the internal organizational structures of the
committee. We work with the hypothesis that the governance structure of São Paulo waters,
more specifically the CBH-Pardo, reproduces an organizational model that generates different
types of conflicts and gender dynamics, which are the result of tensions of a power
legitimized through of central forces in the field of technical-scientific knowledge and the
market. A qualitative approach of social research was used in the research, through
bibliographic research, survey and document analysis, as well as semi-structured and in-depth
interviews with the participating members of the Committee. From this we can highlight two
important results of the research carried out: the first one that is guided by a reorganization of
our original hypothesis, showing that this space not only showed us models and gender
conflicts, but also presented us with the democratic limits of the formation of the committee ,
which did not overcome traditional and social values; and the second one that properly refers
to the scope of power relations and how these are placed in the path of a participatory parity
look, outlining the central and peripheral relations that design the participation of these
women .