dc.contributorDutra, Claudio Emelson Guimarains
dc.creatorCaneda, Gisele Kruel
dc.description.abstractAs I accompanied, observing and discussing the process of Probatory Apprenticeship valuation at Statal Schools of Santa Maria, a member of the comission of Probatory Apprenticeship at 8ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação (8ª CRE), in the Administration 2003/2006, I see the necessity of giving a new meaning to certain practices and procedures checked during the teacher’s Probatory Apprenticeship at schools, which many times don’t know the specific legislation about the subject, they make valuation as a legal and obliged process or because it was asked by the responsible entities of education. In this way I try to point out at the research the importance of accompaniment and of the orientation given to the valuated during this period of valuation, for he can to recover necessary aspects for the good performance of his works and so for a better quality of public teaching. The help to the valuated in the process of accompaniment to the trainee is also very important, chiefly by the necessity of giving continuous and permanent moments of formation for the improving of daily practices. This research was based on the studies of the qualitity case and the informations were got through interviews, documental analyses and visits to the comprehended schools. In the visits it was analysed the process of valuation of the Probatory Apprenticeship through askings done to valuaters and it had as pattern the Regulation which is annexxed to the State Decret number 40.503/00 which possibilited to review the stablished criterion and wich possibilited also to give a new meaning to the action done. As a conclusion refering to the probatory valuations, it is important that school gives the discussion of the process through the nowadays legislation and that it analyses the criterion used and that it shows in the instruments of valuation (form) the real performance of the teacher, indicating tendent measures when they are necessary to be done in order to get the improving of the professional performance.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEstágio probatório
dc.subjectDesempenho profissional
dc.subjectProbatory apprenticeship
dc.subjectProfessional performance
dc.titleAvaliação de estágio probatório do magistério público estadual em Santa Maria
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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