dc.contributorPippi, Luis Guilherme Aita
dc.contributorWeiss, Raquel
dc.contributorCosta, Lucia Maria Sá Antunes
dc.creatorChartanovicz, Karine Perius
dc.description.abstractPopulations enjoy the rivers, modify their beds and pollute their waters without knowing the importance of their conservation, causing intense changes in their landscape. The areas adjacent to the rivers are little by little occupied, transforming spaces of great ecological and landscape value into places with environmental and social problems. However, current environmental standards have been significantly transforming urban planning models, especially with regard to the treatment given to water bodies and their banks: encouraging the recovery of rivers, transforming their banks into multifunctional spaces and conductors of urbanity , contributing to the quality of life in cities. Even with recent advances, it is observed that new models still have challenges and gaps to be studied. In order to understand the urban, rural and environmental dynamics, considering problems and potentialities, a case study was carried out on the Itaquarinchim River in the city of Santo Ângelo-RS. For this, the landscape of the Itaquarinchim river was spatialized and characterized in Landscape Units, and with the help of the Multicriteria Weighted Hierarchical Analysis Model (AHP), the areas with greater environmental and ecological sensitivity were identified, considering the revitalization of the area of study and promotion of multifunctionality. In addition, perceptions, preferences and opinions of the population and managers of the city of Santo Ângelo will be pointed out, in order to understand how the population sees, uses and what activities they would like to carry out in these spaces. Finally, guidelines are launched for the revitalization of the Itaquarinchim river in the city of Santo Ângelo-RS.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherArquitetura e Urbanismo
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Paisagismo
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectRios urbanos
dc.subjectPaisagens multifuncionais
dc.subjectUnidades de paisagem
dc.subjectAnálise de decisão multicritério
dc.subjectUrban rivers
dc.subjectMultifunctional landscapes
dc.subjectLandscape units
dc.subjectMulticriteria decision analysis
dc.titleMultifuncionalidades e dinâmicas da paisagem: valorações e experiências com o Rio Itaquarinchim

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