dc.contributorKologeski Fraga, Cristina
dc.creatorUllrich, Lisane
dc.identifierULLRICH, L. Violência contra a mulher idosa em Santa Maria: levantamento de inquéritos policiais na delegacia de proteção ao idoso. 2018. 80 p.
dc.description.abstractThe experience in the compulsory internship in social work at the municipal council of the elderly and in the emergency room of the Universitary Hospital of Santa Maria made it possible to sharpen the gaze on violence against the elderly woman, considering that both internships were directly linked to the situation of violence against the elderly person. From this internship experience, there was a worrying proportion of cases of violence involving the population in question. Thus, arose the concern of conducting a research with the theme violence against the elderly woman. The present study is based on a research that had as main objective to analyze the data collected from police investigations related to violence against elderly women, in the police department of the elderly, in the year 2017, in the Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The research is characterized as quantitative and its execution was in the year 2018. The research project was extremely important to reach a survey of the profile of these victims, such as the neighborhood that occurred the violence, the year, the month, the time, the profession, age, marital status, skin color and schooling. Data on who denounced the case of violence were also collected, in which place they most suffer from this violence and what were the types of violence that these elderly women suffered. The final considerations emphasize the importance of disseminating and giving visibility to these research data, so that they serve as a subsidy for professionals specialized in the care of victims and public and private institutions that aim to care, prevention of violence and public policies aimed at welcoming and assisting the elderly
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectDelegacia de Proteção ao Idoso
dc.subjectElderly protection police station
dc.titleViolência contra a mulher idosa em Santa Maria: levantamento de inquéritos policiais na delegacia de proteção ao idoso
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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