dc.contributorFialho, Vanessa Ribas
dc.contributorSilva, João Alberto da
dc.contributorMallmann, Elena Maria
dc.creatorSeling, Damaris Ramson Fuhrmann
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation was developed in the master's degree Program in Educational Technologies in Network, line of research 2: Management of Educational Technologies in Network, at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The theme originated during the Covid-19 pandemic scenario, with the return to face-to-face classes after the remote teaching period. It was investigated how literacy and literacy activities were provided for students from public and private schools in Santo Angelo/RS during this atypical period. In addition, it aimed to understand the role of technologies in this context, whether or not the classes were mediated by digital technologies and how was the access of students in the researched space to school contents. This is a research with a qualitative approach, of an applied nature, regarding its objectives it is descriptive, with survey procedures. The Remote teaching was already, in itself, a great challenge, but when thinking about young children, at literacy ages, some teachers considered that this challenge became even greater. Through questionnaires answered by pedagogical coordinators and literacy teachers, it could be noted that there was effort and dedication on their part so that literacy and literacy really happened. The role of families and school management in this scenario was also analyzed, when observing how much technologies still need to be inserted in the school context, since the level of inequality of access to them was even more perceived during remote classes and there was a lack of training of teachers in this area.For treating of one Professional Master's research, it was elaborated a product of research, in this case, the Booklet: literacy, literacy skills and digital technologies. It brings suggestions of activities mediated by technologies that can contribute to the lesson plans of literacy teachers. The booklet is an Open Educational Resource, in digital format that can be used in different education systems, shared and adapted to each reality. This resource is expected to be significant for literacy and literacy skills in several schools.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectTecnologias digitais
dc.subjectEnsino remoto
dc.subjectLiteracy skills
dc.subjectDigital technologies
dc.subjectRemote learning
dc.titleAlfabetização, letramento e as tecnologias digitais no ensino remoto: a construção de uma cartilha digital

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