dc.contributorSilva, Maria Beatriz Oliveira da
dc.creatorDe David, Thomaz Delgado
dc.description.abstractAn analysis of the experiences of regional and subregional integration in Latin America (LA) points to issues such as the difficulty of practicing continuous and coherent integration processes, the predominance of an economic axis over a political axis and the need to rethink them from the periphery of global capitalism. The concept of imperialism, which synthesizes the asymmetrical relations of domination and dependence between States, allows to problematize the character of the integration processes that occurred, as well as the lack of an adequate articulation of referred axis. Considering that, it is questioned: how did the integration processes in Latin America occur in practice? How does the critique of imperialism help to rethink integration in the region? In order to that, it is used the historical-dialectical materialist approach method, the historical method of procedure, and the bibliographic and documentary research technique. The general objective is to rethink regional integration in LA based on the critique of imperialism. The obtained results points that: a) the practices of Latin American integration occurred between continuities and ruptures, marked by political regional trends; b) imperialism sets limits to regional development in LA and keeps the sovereignty of the region countries reduced to the formal dimension; c) the economic axis of integration should prioritize coordinated macroeconomic guidelines for a developmentalist regionalism, opposed to liberal regionalism; d) the consolidation of a political axis for integration can contribute to sovereignty, democracy and human rights in LA.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAmérica Latina
dc.subjectEconomia política internacional
dc.subjectIntegração regional
dc.subjectLatin America
dc.subjectInternational political economy
dc.subjectRegional integration
dc.title"Os Ventos do Norte não movem moinhos”: o repensar da integração m Latino-Americana com base na crítica ao imperialismo
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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