dc.description.abstract | This research was developed within the scope of the Graduate Program in Education,
Research Line Special Education, Inclusion and Difference. It is linked to investigations
produced at the Nucleus of Studies and Research on Schooling and Inclusion -
NUEPEI/UFSM. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized
Covid-19 as a pandemic. The rules of Social Distancing, challenged education,
adopted Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) as a (temporary) alternative to keep the
school functioning in the context of exceptionality. Teaching, mediated by
technologies, presented new challenges to special education teachers and their
students. This research seeks to understand the effects of remote teaching on the
pedagogical practices of the special education teacher during the Covid-19 pandemic,
considering the period of social distancing and the return to face-to-face teaching. This
is qualitative descriptive research: data were produced in semi-structured interviews.
Ten special education teachers from the Municipal Education Network of Santa Maria,
who work in Specialized Educational Assistance, participated as the research corpus.
The analytical production of the empirical material was carried out based on the content
analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). The framework includes theorists such as: Morin
(2000, 2021), Santos (2020), Freire (1978a, 1978b, 1983,1996, 2016) e Tardif (2002),
Meirieu (1998, 2002, 2005), Capellini; Zanata; Pereira (2008), Capellini; Zerbato
(2019), Nóvoa (1991, 1995, 2020,2022), Moran (2010). The analysis was carried out
from four categories: from remote teaching to face-to-face teaching; second, AEE,
Common Teaching and Family: Collaborative Actions; third, Specialized Educational
Assistance in emergency remote teaching: resources and strategies necessary for the
composition of the practice; and finally, Reflective processes on pedagogical practice.
It was found that the challenges in the ERE were linked to: the dimension of access to
technological resources, the inability to use these tools and to accompany the student's
learning trajectory; in face-to-face return, the challenge was for the student to resume
the school routine; the collaborative actions that took place in remote teaching,
between the AEE and the teacher in the common room, were not consolidated in the
face-to-face return; the mutual support, which existed in remote teaching between the
AEE and the families, was maintained in the return to face-to-face activities; it was a
consensus that technologies, as teaching tools, can significantly add to the learning
process, in this regard, they declared that they intend to access them more regularly
in their pedagogical practice. | |