dc.contributorLehnhart, Eliete dos Reis
dc.creatorSilva, Luís Evandro Timôtheo da
dc.description.abstractIntroduced by the Organic Health Law no. 8.080, of September 19, 1990, the concept of “training of human resources in the health area” had its definition reverberated in 2004, with the publication of the National Policy on Permanent Education in Health (PNEPS) – strategy of the Unified Health System (SUS) for the training and development of its workers (BRASIL, 2004). Understanding "health education" as a strategic and powerful mechanism for managing organizational performance and an instrument for improving intellectual capital, the present study aims to identify the intersections between the political-pedagogical proposal of the PNEPS and the Management Program by Competencies of the Fundação Hospitalar Getúlio Vargas (FHGV), a public foundation governed by private law, with 100% SUS service, located in the municipality of Sapucaia do Sul, in Rio Grande do Sul. This is a study with a qualitative approach, with a descriptive character, structured from the collection of secondary data, with free and public access. It was possible, from the analysis of the documental content, to identify elements and practices associated with the FHGV Competence Management Program, its interrelation with the educational proposal of the PNEPS, the practical consequences of the institution of the Program in the evaluation system for the development of workers and in the internal recruitment processes (Reallocation Bank), in addition to the strategies adopted by the FHGV to implement the permanent and continuing education policy proposed by the Unified Health System.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectGestão por competências
dc.subjectEducação permanente em saúde
dc.subjectGestão em saúde
dc.subjectAdministração pública municipal
dc.subjectGestão de pessoas
dc.subjectManagement by competencies
dc.subjectPermanent education in health
dc.subjectHealth management
dc.subjectMunicipal public administration
dc.subjectPeople management
dc.titleGestão por competências como estratégia de educação permanente em saúde: a experiência da Fundação Hospitalar Getúlio Vargas, de Sapucaia do Sul
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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