dc.contributorSpecht, Luciano Pivoto
dc.creatorTrevisan, Eduardo Viera
dc.description.abstractRoad transport is the main mans of transportation used in Brazil. The vehicles used in this type of transportation generate an extensive effort to which the pavement is subjected, leading to surface defects that are noticeable to the naked eye, in the traditional method called topographic profiling. The implementation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) technology, popularly called drones, has proven to be a useful technology that provides comfort, agility and safety to operators in a form of remote measurement. This work aims to analyze and compare the results obtained by traditional and UAV methods for measuring asphalt pavement defects, from the perspective of three Standards: DNIT 006/2003 - PRO, DNIT 007/2003 - PRO and DNIT 433/2021 - PRO, which are procedures used in Brazil for measurement. An approach is made to the functioning of the pavement, characterizing defects and the three Standards, whose application for DNIT 007/2003 and 433/2021 is restricted to the scope of cracks and with different methods of approach. After the survey by both methods, it is concluded that the UAV reaches an average of 80% of the visualization of defects inventoried by walking, preventing the capture of pathologies with depth, such as sinkholes. In addition, DNIT 433/2021 presents higher cracking in all its applications, not linearly related to DNIT 007/2003.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectavaliação superficial
dc.subjectVeículo Aéreo Não Tripulado (VANT)
dc.subjectárea trincada
dc.subjectDNIT 007/2003 – PRO
dc.subjectDNIT 433/2021 – PRO
dc.subjectsurface assessment
dc.subjecttopographic profiling
dc.subjectUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
dc.subjectcracked area
dc.titleAvaliação de defeitos pela medição local e por veículo aéreo não tripulado (VANT)
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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