dc.contributorBassi, Bianca Gonçalves de Carrasco
dc.creatorSouza, Amanda Sabino
dc.description.abstractReiki is an Integrative and Complementary Health Practice (PICS), characterized by the imposition of hands on specific points of the body, recognized and indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to restore physical, mental and spiritual balance. This work analyzed publications related to this theme, addressing the Integrative and Complementary Practices implementation of national policy in the Unified Health System (PNPIC-SUS), seeking to find out how Reiki has been used in SUS.Objective: to verify, through a bibliographical survey, the use of Reiki as care technology by health professionals in public health services users. The texts analyzed showed that health professionals are increasingly exploring therapeutic Potential of such practices aiming at a better life and care quality care for SUS users. In addition, through this study, we sought to discuss how health professionals, especially Occupational Therapists (OT), use PICS in their professional practice and in contexts that use Reiki in SUS. Through the bibliographical survey, it was possible to verify the transformation potentialities of the subjects attended, in addition, it’s reflected that it’s not enough, for those who intend and work with the PICS, to depend on few studies and considerations about the benefits of the practices in TO , requiring more extensive research to support the considerations found, in this way, it is pointed out the need for more research and disciplines in the health area courses that approach the theme as a form of integral care.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências da Saúde
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectProfissionais de Saúde
dc.subjectPráticas Integrativas e Complementares
dc.subjectTerapia Ocupacional
dc.subjectIntegrative and Complementary Practices
dc.subjectOccupational therapy
dc.titleA utilização do Reiki como tecnologia de cuidado por profissionais de saúde no SUS: uma revisão bibliográfica
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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