dc.contributorPetermann, Juliana
dc.contributorOliveira-Cruz , Milena Carvalho Bezerra Freire de
dc.contributorRodrigues , André Iribure
dc.contributorAlmeida , Francis Moraes de
dc.creatorScherer, Anderson Alves
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation has as its research theme the LGBTQIA + representation in advertising, having as its delimitation the relationship between market and social interests. In a scenario of reformulations in the advertising market and discursive disputes, we intend to discuss about a possible legitimacy of the market in addressing this agenda and its consequences. Based on this theme, we intend to answer the following research problem: How are power relations articulated between advertising discursive practices and LGBTQIA + recognition practices? To answer this question, we will use genealogy as a methodology, based on Michel Foucault's thinking. The choice of a genealogical perspective was given as a form of opposition and suspension of an idea of maintenance and evolution of advertising discourse from an evolutionary perspective. In this way we intend to point to disruptions and discontinuities in the advertising discourse in the face of the LGBTQIA + theme during the last 5 decades. Our methodological design is still inspired by Piedras (2009) from the idea of advertising flow. In this way, our genealogy is structured in three axes: in the first, we will carry out a historical recovery of the relations between advertising and LGBTQIA + representation from the materiality of the advertising text. We selected one ad per decade, starting in 1970, and performed an analysis of the intertextualities of these ads. The second axis refers to tensioning and power relations in the scope of production, our corpus is based on four interviews with market professionals. The third and final axis refers to the asymmetries between the scope of production and reception, in which we will analyze how power dynamics were built between producers and consumers in the light of the LGBTQIA + theme. Our categories of analysis happen from the discursive control procedures proposed by Michel Foucault (1970/2000), in addition to this theoretical pillar, we also have a critical analysis of Norman Fairclough's (2001) discourse to understand the discursive reformulations in contemporary advertising. As a result, we identified that advertising undergoes reformulations and tensioning of different orders, including the materiality of the advertising text, reformulations in advertising practice and professional profile, as well as the relationship dynamics between the scope of production and reception. These reformulations together constitute the genealogy that we intend to reconstruct, the main one being the increasingly critical and participatory incision of the LGBTIQI + community in the production and reception of speeches, we also identified a strategic reappropriation of advertising by the LGBTIQIA + community through consultancy in diversity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.titleUma genealogia da temática LGBTQI+ na publicidade brasileira (1970 – 2019)

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