dc.contributorSiqueira, Aline Cardoso
dc.contributorRossato, Jussara Glória
dc.contributorKruel, Cristina Saling
dc.creatorMarques, Catiane da Silva
dc.description.abstractThe decision for adoption is a fundamental moment for the constitution of adoptive parenting, being the preparation for the arrival of the new member to the family a decisive step. From the perspective of professionals involved in the adoption process, we sought to systematize a preparation program for adopting parents. This is a qualitative study, in which 18 informants from the field of adoption participated, such as judges, psychologists, coordinators of support groups, among others. The interviews were analyzed using Content Analysis. From listening to these professionals, it was noted that there is still a weakness in the preparation of adoptive mothers and fathers regarding the emotional aspects of adoption, which may indicate a risk in the establishment of secure bonds between parents and adopted children and, therefore, therefore increase the risk of adoption interruptions. In the case of adoptive affiliation, it is important that these parents are safe and with the emotional issues prepared so that they are able to welcome and accept the child with all the demands that it will raise, in order to provide a good enough environment, with satisfactory care that favors the child's development. integral development of the child or adolescent. According to the participants, both the projection of plans on the child and the promotion of changes in the physical spaces and in the organization of the family, as well as the opening to talk about the previous history of the child and the knowledge about the stages of the development of each child/ adolescents favor bonding, as they facilitate the identification between parents and the new child. The reports indicated that the lack of preparation and/or little knowledge about the reality of adopted children can favor the creation of unrealistic expectations in relation to them, making it difficult to build secure bonds. It is concluded that it is necessary to promote spaces for the elaboration of the emotional issues of the parents, as well as the preparation of them, through trained professionals regarding the subject of adoption, favors the success in the transition to adoptive parenting.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCiências da Saúde
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências da Saúde
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectPreparação para adoção
dc.subjectPais adotivos
dc.subjectPreparation for adoption
dc.subjectAdoptive parents
dc.titlePrograma Travessia: um olhar sobre os aspectos emocionais da adoção e a construção de vínculos seguros

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