dc.description.abstract | The SAE Brasil program is formed by teams of engineering students, in which the challenge is to design and manufacture off-road. The project has a regulation established by SAE Brasil, and based on the regulation, the teams design and build the prototype using the engineering knowledge aligned with the mechanical design of the prototype. In addition, in the same way that companies seek a competitive advantage in the market for the Product Development Process, Baja teams also apply the management of their projects as a differential to meet regulatory requirements. In this context, this Course Completion Work aims to develop a proposal to improve the Product Development Process (PDP) applied to the needs of UFSM's Baja teams. To carry out this work, the reference model by Rozenfeld et al. (2006), who proposed a Unified Model for the management of the Product Development Process (PDP). The research method adopted was the survey, in order to analyze the PDP procedures used by the Baja teams and the difficulties encountered. Subsequently, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to the Baja UFSM teams, consisting of sixteen questions: the first (1 to 8) with the aim of identifying the profile of the Baja team and its participants, seeking to additionally understand the reality of the team in terms of understanding in project management; the following questions (9 to 15) are related to the use of methodologies and management tools and the difficulties encountered in the management process; finally, the last question (16) corresponds to a space destined to general comments about the management of the Baja project. As main results, two teams were interviewed, which have an average of 15 members each, having as main evidence: application of tools and management systems for the PDP of the teams as a way to make them more competitive and also the students with this knowledge more prepared for the job market. In addition, for the structure of the PDP, general guidelines are presented, in the form of a method for reorganizing activities. The application proposed in this work can help the Baja SAE project teams to lead the necessary transformation in their PDPs, helping in the planning of changes and new organizations detailing their activities. | |