dc.contributorLima, Rogério Cattelan Antocheves de
dc.creatorClerici, Thainá Alberti
dc.description.abstractThe construction industry, in its wide functionality, seeks to align production efficiency, good performance, quality in the delivery of the final product, and, above all, low operational costs through new construction techniques. Over the years, history can be told through these construction techniques, which leads to continuous study and approaches to deliver efficient and durable products to consumers. This is why the idea of performance is widely promoted, following Brazilian standards (ABNT) and international standards. The best way to predict the performance of a building is to ensure its compliance with the current standard. New construction techniques aim to improve building efficiency, allowing for fast and direct execution with minimal material loss at each stage. A good example of such a construction method is the autoclaved cellular concrete block (ACCB), obtained through a chemical reaction between its components and a curing process in an autoclave. The objective of this work is to analyze reports from accredited laboratories conducting tests according to ABNT NBR 15575-4:2013, related to residential buildings (Vertical Internal and External Enclosure Systems – VIEES). For this purpose, tests conducted by a cellular concrete block company based in Santa Catarina and a project in Santa Maria, which used SVVIE with ACCB, will be analyzed. Four test reports will be assessed, each presenting the applied methodology and results specified in each item of ABNT NBR 15575-4:2013 to ensure good efficiency. As expected, the tests conducted and exposed in these four reports are satisfactory for the use of cellular concrete blocks in vertical enclosure systems. The analyzed composition withstood the tightness test without any points of infiltration on the opposite face of the tested wall. The analysis of the report on the thermal properties of two different wall compositions showed satisfactory results for thermal conductivity and specific heat, meeting the conditions established by the climatic zone in which the project is located. Lastly, when observing the results regarding airborne noise in VIEES, it was possible to conclude that the cases presented by the company and established as test sites provide intermediate to satisfactory results within the three noise classes for external enclosure and intermediate results for systems with two distinct environments of suites among units.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectNBR 15575-4
dc.subjectbloco de concreto celular autoclavado.
dc.subjectautoclaved aerated concrete block
dc.titleAnálise de laudos técnicos segundo a ABNT NBR 15575-4 para bloco de concreto celular autoclavado: Um estudo de caso
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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