dc.contributorBender Filho, Reisoli
dc.contributorVieira, Kelmara Mendes
dc.contributorFerraz, Rafael Camargo
dc.creatorRibeiro, Victor Matheus Portela
dc.description.abstractThe Open University of Brazil program was developed with a view to expand and internalize the offer of college degrees programs in the country, prioritizing teacher training and qualification of managers from basic education. Situated between the themes of formation and the job market, the present study aimed to analyze the relationship between study and work of graduates in undergraduate courses offered by UFSM under the UAB program. For this, 179 questionnaires were applied, which were analyzed in four stages, which as follow: (i) descriptive analysis; (ii) factor analysis, (iii) mean comparison tests and (iv) binary logistic regression analysis. People who participated in the study mostly identify as cisgender women (70.9%); whites (84.0%); the majority (62.9%) were between 30 and 44 years old; most (82.3%) are graduates of undergraduate degrees; almost half (46.3%) graduated in 4 to 6 years. Almost all of them said they had worked during the course, and the majority said they had been in the same job since they had completed the course. Most were employed in the public sector and just over half looked for a job after completing the course. As for the match between work and study, 84.6% of the graduates are in mere horizontal match, 81.9% in mere vertical match and 74.5% in full match. Among the study, work and demographic characteristics used to analyze the relationship between education and work, the variables that stood out the most in the perception of the match between university studies and employment, both in terms of vertical match and horizontal match, were those related to work, specifically the type of employer, the economic sector of employment and the occupation group. As for the determinants of match, the estimations performed confirm the relevance of work-related variables. In terms of horizontal match, the one that showed the greatest impact was being employed as a teacher. Regarding the vertical match and the full match, the economic sector of employment also proved to be an important determinant, especially the educational sector. Furthermore, the perception of the quality of the course in terms of its usefulness for the professional and socioeconomic development of the graduates of the region in which they live also proved to be significant, especially in terms of horizontal match, but also in terms of full match. Therefore, it is evident the importance that, when designing the offer of courses, the management of UAB at UFSM does so based on information regarding the formal labor market, from which it is possible to predict which qualifications are adherent to the job market, favoring the match between the training received and the activity performed by the graduates.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherAdministração Pública
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração Pública
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEnsino superior
dc.subjectEducação a distância
dc.subjectRelação estudo-trabalho
dc.subjectAjustamento entre estudo e trabalho
dc.subjectAjuste horizontal, vertical e total
dc.subjectUniversity education
dc.subjectDistance education study-work relationship
dc.subjectEducation and job match
dc.subjectVertical, horizontal and full match
dc.titleAcompanhamento de egressos dos cursos da UFSM ofertados no âmbito do sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil

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