dc.contributorRonsini, Veneza Veloso Mayora
dc.creatorMoraginski, Adriana Rigo
dc.description.abstractThe present study tries to analyze the female audience, from popular classes, of the Radio Program “Ponto e Contra Ponto”, of the Northwest Radio Station (AM), from Santa Rosa. The study searches for the understanding of the informative and journalistic features of the Program, from the popular classes female audience, through the following questioning: Why do the women identify themselves with the speaker and the subjects dealt with? It is also aimed the analysis of the relation between the female audience and the informative feature of the program as well as to verify the relations between the household space and the female audience from the class at stage. The methodology used was the case study, and, as a data collecting technique, interviews were done with four women from popular classes, where were verified that the Radio reaffirms their moral values_ to be an honest woman, take care of the house, educate the children, obey the husband. It represents a means of reference for the conformation of the investigated women’s world view. It is a respected means of communication and the relevant position of the speaker legitimates the male gender authority.
dc.description.abstracty Contra Ponto, de la Radio Noroeste AM, de Santa Rosa. El estudio recogió comprender el carácter informativo/periodístico del programa, a partir de la audiencia femenina de clase popular, a través del cuestionamiento: por qué las mujeres se identifican con el locutor y con los asuntos tratados? También objetivó el análisis de la relación de la audiencia femenina con el carácter informativo del programa y verificar las relaciones entre el espacio doméstico y la audiencia femenina de la clase en cuestión. La metodología utilizada fue el Estudo de Caso, y, como un dato que reúne la técnica, las entrevistas fueron hechas con cuatro mujeres de clases populares, dónde fueron verificados que la Radio reafirma sus valores morales_ ser una mujer honesta, cuide de la casa, educa a los niños, obedece al marido. Representa un medio de la referencia para el conformation de la visión del mundo de las mujeres investigadas. Es un medio respetado de comunicación y la posición de destaque del locutor legitima la autoridad masculina del género.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAudiência feminina
dc.subjectClasses populares
dc.subjectFemale audience
dc.subjectPopular classes
dc.subjectAudiencia femenina
dc.subjectClases populares
dc.titleEstudo da audiência feminina de classe popular do Programa Ponto e Contra Ponto
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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