Effect of Gravel Filter on Runoff, Sediment Control and Vegetation Enhance in Rainwater Catchment System (Dareh-Morid Basin, Baft)

dc.creatorBoostan, Shokoofeh
dc.creatorNoura, Mohammad Reza
dc.creatorBaniasadi, Mohsen
dc.creatorKahrazeh, Mohammad Gol
dc.descriptionIn this study gravel filter were used to control runoff and sediment to enhance vegetation in Dareh Morid Basin of Baft, Kerman.This research was conducted in a completely randomized block design with four treatments and three replications.Treatments included natural system as a control, natural system with gravel filter, im permeable system without gravel filter, and impermeable system with gravel filter. The effect of gravel filter on reducing sediment and increasing vegetation was measured at depths of 25, 50 and 75 cm using TDR device after each rainfall.The results of this study revealed that at all three mentioned depths in the impermeable system with gravel filter, the moisture was significantly higher than in other treatments.The performance of the gravel filter along with making the system surface impermeable reduced sediment erosion and increased vegetation. As a result, it can be claimed that the rainwater harvesting through impermeable surfaces using gravel filter will be a good solution to control runoff plus sediment and a significant contribution to the water supply of plants in arid and semi-arid regions.en-US
dc.descriptionIn this study gravel filter were used to control runoff and sediment to enhance vegetation in Dareh Morid Basin of Baft, Kerman.This research was conducted in a completely randomized block design with four treatments and three replications.Treatments included natural system as a control, natural system with gravel filter, im permeable system without gravel filter, and impermeable system with gravel filter. The effect of gravel filter on reducing sediment and increasing vegetation was measured at depths of 25, 50 and 75 cm using TDR device after each rainfall.The results of this study revealed that at all three mentioned depths in the impermeable system with gravel filter, the moisture was significantly higher than in other treatments.The performance of the gravel filter along with making the system surface impermeable reduced sediment erosion and increased vegetation. As a result, it can be claimed that the rainwater harvesting through impermeable surfaces using gravel filter will be a good solution to control runoff plus sediment and a significant contribution to the water supply of plants in arid and semi-arid regions.pt-BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Mato Grosso - UFMT Araguaiapt-BR
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2021 Shokoofeh Boostan, Mohammad Reza Noura, Mohsen Baniasadi, Mohammad Gol Kahrazehpt-BR
dc.sourceRevista Geoaraguaia; v. 11 n. 02 (2021); 6-20pt-BR
dc.sourceRevista Geoaraguaia; Vol. 11 No. 02 (2021); 6-20en-US
dc.subjectNeste estudo, filtros de cascalho foram usados para controlar o escoamento e os sedimentos para realçar a vegetação na Bacia de Dareh Morid de Baft, Kerman. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida em um delineamento de blocos completamente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e três repetições. Os tratamentos incluíram o sistema natural como controle, natural sistema com filtro de cascalho, sistema impermeável sem filtro de cascalho e sistema impermeável com filtro de cascalho. O efeito do filtro de cascalho na redução de sedimentos e aumento da vegetação foi medido em profundidades de 25, 50 e 75 cm usando dispositivo TDR após cada chuva. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que em todas as três profundidades mencionadas no sistema impermeável com filtro de cascalho, o a umidade foi significativamente mais alta do que em outros tratamentos. O desempenho do filtro de cascalho junto com a impermeabilização da superfície do sistema reduziu a erosão de sedimentos e aumentou a vegetação. Com isso, pode-se afirmar que a captação de águas pluviais por meio de superfícies impermeáveis com filtro de cascalho será uma boa solução para o controle do escoamento mais sedimento e uma contribuição significativa para o abastecimento de água de plantas em regiões áridas e semi-áridas.pt-BR
dc.subjectWater haverstingen-US
dc.subjectGravel filteren-US
dc.subjectRunnof reductionen-US
dc.subjectRainwater catchment surfaces systemen-US
dc.titleEffect of Gravel Filter on Runoff, Sediment Control and Vegetation Enhance in Rainwater Catchment System (Dareh-Morid Basin, Baft)en-US
dc.titleEffect of Gravel Filter on Runoff, Sediment Control and Vegetation Enhance in Rainwater Catchment System (Dareh-Morid Basin, Baft)pt-BR

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