Oliveira, Isabel Corrêa Fontes Chagas de
de Assis, Renato Linhares
Aquino, Adriana Maria de
This study consists of the systematization of an agroecological experience from the ordering and synthesis of the processes of its use and occupation. The experience began in 1984, in a pioneering agroecological unit, with neorural characteristics, in the Midwest region of Brazil. The research included unstructured interviews, field surveys, bibliographic and documentary research (photographs, magazines, newspapers, satellite images, and aerial photographs). The Google Earth tool was used to evaluate the mosaic of agroecosystems resulting from agroecological action in space and time. The results pointed toward a complex dynamic of the construction process of agroecosystems and social networks, configuring itself in an agroecological design that goes beyond the physical boundaries of the property. The reported process of synthesis and analysis, in addition to empowering the protagonists, brings to light scientific knowledge learning from an empirical experience of a way of life integrated with nature, with a wealth of variety, diversity, and possibilities in biological, social, economic, ethical, moral and cultural processes, which can inspire and subsidize other agroecological initiatives. Este estudo consiste na sistematização de uma experiência agroecológica a partir do ordenamento e síntese dos processos do seu uso e ocupação. A experiência iniciou em 1984, em unidade agroecológica pioneira, com características neorurais, na região Centro-oeste do Brasil. A pesquisa contou com entrevistas não estruturadas, levantamento de campo, pesquisa bibliográfica e documental (fotografias, revistas, jornais, imagens de satélite e fotografias aéreas). Utilizou-se a ferramenta Google Earth para avaliar o mosaico de agroecossistemas resultante da ação agroecológica no espaço e tempo. Os resultados apontaram uma dinâmica complexa do processo de construção de agroecossistemas e redes sociais, configurando-se num desenho agroecológico que ultrapassa as fronteiras físicas da propriedade. O processo de síntese e análise relatado, além de empoderar os protagonistas, traz a luz do conhecimento científico aprendizados de uma experiência empírica de um modo de vida integrado à natureza, com riqueza em variedade, diversidade e possibilidades nos processos biológicos, sociais, econômicos, éticos, morais e culturais, que pode inspirar e subsidiar outras iniciativas de base agroecológica.
Palavras-chave: neoruralidade; gerenciamento agroecológico; redesenho da paisagem; agroecossistemas.
Systematization of an agroecological experience in the Brazilian Cerrado: subsidies for the planning of productive units of ecological bases
ABSTRACT: This study consists of the systematization of an agroecological experience from the ordering and synthesis of the processes of its use and occupation. The experience began in 1984, in a pioneering agroecological unit, with neorural characteristics, in the Midwest region of Brazil. The research included unstructured interviews, field surveys, bibliographic and documentary research (photographs, magazines, newspapers, satellite images, and aerial photographs). The Google Earth tool was used to evaluate the mosaic of agroecosystems resulting from agroecological action in space and time. The results pointed toward a complex dynamic of the construction process of agroecosystems and social networks, configuring itself in an agroecological design that goes beyond the physical boundaries of the property. The reported process of synthesis and analysis, in addition to empowering the protagonists, brings to light scientific knowledge learning from an empirical experience of a way of life integrated with nature, with a wealth of variety, diversity, and possibilities in biological, social, economic, ethical, moral and cultural processes, which can inspire and subsidize other agroecological initiatives.
Keywords: neorurality; agroecological management; landscape redesign; agroecosystems.