Plan de exportaci?n para el producto arroz extra gourmet de la empresa Federal S.A.S.
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Taborda Alvira, Pedro Pablo
Alzate Rubio, Mariana
En el presente trabajo de grado se realiz? el plan de exportaci?n de arroz gourmet de la empresa Federal S.A.S, empresa ubicada en el departamento del Tolima en la meseta de del municipio de Ibagu?, para el desarrollo del trabajo se ejecutaron 4 objetivos los cuales consistieron en la realizaci?n de la presentaci?n del producto donde se identific? su ficha t?cnica y c?digo arancelario, seguido a esto se realiz? el an?lisis econ?mico de la situaci?n del mercado nacional e internaci?n del producto a exportar para determinar la aceptaci?n del producto y se logro identificar los 5 pa?ses m?s importadores del arroz entre los cuales est?n: China, Estados Unidos, Ir?n, Arabia Saudita y Filipinas, por otra parte se prosigui? a identificar el mercado objetivo el cual es Estados Unidos debido a los resultados en las variables de selecci?n es el m?s id?neo para la realizaci?n de la exportaci?n gracias a su infraestructura de transporte, su estabilidad econ?mica y su el riesgo al momento de realizar una inversi?n es bajo, finalmente se procedi? a la realizaci?n de la log?stica de exportaci?n seleccionando los intermediarios m?s importantes para la realizaci?n de esta. Por otra parte, se hizo la estrategia de contenedorizaci?n y palletizaci?n. The present degree work was carried out on the gourmet rice export plan of the Federal SAS company, a company located in the department of Tolima on the plateau of the municipality of Ibague, for the development of the work, 4 objectives were executed which consisted of the realization of the presentation of the product where its technical sheet and tariff code were identified, followed by an economic analysis of the situation of the national market and internationalization of the product to be exported to determine the acceptance of the product and it was possible to identify the 5 most countries rice importers among which are: China, United States, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Philippines, on the other hand we continued to identify the target market which is United States due to the results in the selection variables is the most suitable for the carrying out the export thanks to its transport infrastructure, its economic stability and its risk at the time of carrying out an investment is low, finally we proceeded to carry out the export logistics selecting the most important intermediaries to carry it out. On the other hand, the containerization and palletization strategy was made
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