Bachelor Thesis
Asistencia de investigaci?n: Plan de exportaci?n de panela org?nica
Registro en:
Garnica Hern?ndez, Luis Ernesto
Medina Matiz, Esteban Emilio
El prop?sito de la presente investigaci?n consisti? en el dise?o de un plan de exportaci?n de panela org?nica pulverizada para determinar la proyecci?n del producto en un mercado internacional, el trabajo se realiz? con fuentes de informaci?n confiable, oportuna y actualizada, inicialmente se analiza la situaci?n econ?mica y la oferta nacional de la panela para determinar su relevancia socioecon?mica y el aporte y desarrollo de las regiones colombianas, a trav?s de una investigaci?n y comparaci?n de mercados se concluye la selecci?n de pa?ses para determinar el mercado objetivo, alternativo y de contingencia.
Estados Unidos se consolido como el mercado objetivo de exportaci?n, para efectos del trabajo se identificaron sus principales caracter?sticas econ?micas, comportamientos del consumidor, tendencias de consumo y los principales factores que determinan la demanda del producto y las condiciones de acceso que debe cumplir para ingresar al mercado, para complementar se desarrolla una estrategia de empaque y embalaje que permita la conservaci?n y manejo adecuado del producto durante procesos de transporte y distribuci?n, adicionalmente se define el perfil y el proceso log?stico incluyendo servicios, rutas y tarifas que complementan la estrategia de exportaci?n. The purpose of the present investigation consisted in the design of an export plan of pulverized organic panela to determine the projection of the product in an international market, the work was carried out with sources of reliable, opportune and updated information, initially the economic situation is analyzed and the national offer of the panela to determine its socioeconomic relevance and the contribution and development of the Colombian regions, through an investigation and comparison of markets the selection of countries is concluded to determine the objective, alternative and contingency market.
The United States was consolidated as the target export market, for the purposes of the work were identified its main economic characteristics, consumer behavior, consumption trends and the main factors that determine the demand for the product and the conditions of access that must meet to enter the market, to complement is developed a packaging strategy that allows the conservation and proper handling of the product during transportation and distribution processes, additionally defines the profile and logistics process including services, routes and tariffs that complement the export strategy.