trabajo final de grado
Informe geotécnico para proyecto de infraestructura urbana de Villa El Chocón en el área entre el Casco Histórico y el Barrio Llequén
Cossio, Mariano
En el presente trabajo se estudiaron las características geotécnicas del macizo rocoso, y del terreno aflorante en cercanías a la localidad de Villa El Chocón, la cual se encuentra ubicada en la orilla norte del Embalse Ezequiel Ramos Mexía. Se recopilaron datos geotécnicos de la zona a partir de muestreos y ensayos, in situ y en laboratorio, para poder determinar las características mecánicas del terreno. Este trabajo tiene como fin poder brindar a la Municipalidad de Villa El Chocón un estudio de información base para el proyecto de infraestructura de la ciclovía con puentes peatonales proyectado dentro del marco del plan de ordenamiento territorial. In this work, the geotechnical characteristics of the rock mass and the soil were studied near
the village of Villa El Chocón, located on the northern shore of the artificial lake Ezequiel
Ramos Mexía. Geotechnical data was collected from sampling in the área. Through laboratory
tests on these simples, the mechanical characteristics of the terrain were determined. The
objective of this work is to provide the Municipality of Villa El Chocón with a baseline study
for the infrastructure project of building a bikeway with pedestrian bridges, which is within the
framework of the territorial arrangement plan.
Six geotechnical stations were designated along the canyons that cut through the rock mass,
where several measurements were carried out such as rock strenght, degree of fracturing, composition and granulometry of the rock matrix, as well as the characteristics of the discontinuities present. This information was used to classify the rock mass according to Bieniawski (1989) and the GSI (Geological Strenght Index) clasiffication (Hoek, 1994).
In addition, soil simples were extracted from two locations near the Barrio Llequén and the canyon that goes through it, in order to measure granulometry, humidity and compaction degree. This data was used to classify the soil according to Casagrande (1947) and the H. R. B. (Highway Research Board) classifications.
Based on the analysis of the results, it can be concluded that the rock mass is suitable for carrying out infrastructure works in the area projected by the Villa El Chocón municipality, taking in consideration the water hazard risk for the area. Fort he soil studies, it can be concluded that is necesary to make further tests deeper into the ground in thearea closer to the Barrio Llequén in order to determine the suitability of the terrain for the infrastruture project.