Towards a new paradigm in education management
2021-11-17Registro en:
Rajimon, J. (2021). Towards a new paradigm in education management. Visión de Futuro, Revista Científica. Posadas (Misiones): UNaM. FCE. APP; 12(2), 17 p.
1668 – 8708 (Versión en línea)
Rajimon, John
As from olden days education always constituted the main priority, be it for the families as for the State. The education ideal of the antique peoples was based on principles emanated from the philosophical currents developed by the most outstanding thinkers of each time, generating political, social, cultural and economy paradigms. Although it is certain that the access to education in the public centers was a privilege for the aristocracy, education took care that the formation offered be the preparation for the exercise of the public life, be it from the political activity or national defense. With the coming of Christianity democracy arose and with it a new conception of man, life, world, since besides the exaltation of values of justice, truth and the common good, the need of an integral education was incorporated. As from the Modern Age the education ideal of the Greco-roman culture is recovered and advances towards the search of the truth with the development of other fields of knowledge: sciences, literature, arts and technology. All this development generated changes in the conceptions of State, society, welfare, which give rise to the recognition of different systems for the State management, social life and economy. Reason why the necessity is clear to establish a new paradigm for the education system management that responds to the demands of the present day society in a new conception of knowledge, work and of production as a bases of a sustainable socio-economic development.