Proposal of a new model of personal strategic alignment for human resources professionals in strategic positions
2022-11-21Registro en:
Dutra Da Costa, D. A. (2022). Proposal of a new model of personal strategic alignment for human resources professionals in strategic positions. Visión de Futuro, Revista Científica. Posadas (Misiones): UNaM. FCE. APP; 27(1), pp. 97-116.
1668 – 8708 (Versión en línea)
Costa, Denize Athayde Dutra da
The purpose of this article is to share the study developed in the doctoral thesis which proposed a new Model of Personal Strategic Alignment - MAEP - that goes through the identification of purposes, values and beliefs, dreams, future vision, goals and competencies, so that the individual assumes the protagonism of his career and life through the most conscious choices, guided by the reflection of the aspects that, integrated, allow the construction of an identity and the execution of relevant actions in search of a full realization of the individual purpose. This study shows how the model provided an improvement in the self-perception, career planning and development of strategic thinking of the sample investigated and contributed to the development of the competencies of professionals in strategic positions in the Human Resources area, considering the challenges of the current scenario and the trends of this function in the future of work.