Groundwater Treatment: Iron and Manganese Removal by Biological Filtration
Alarcón, Ramiro
Alvarez, Jorgelina
Abstract: At present, one of the most important challenges for the world is to provide access to safe and clean water for the entire population. Lack of water can have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, finding ways to solve this problem is of utmost importance. Fe and Mn are abundant in the Earth’s crust making it one of the most common pollutants for groundwater. This paper
focuses on the biological filtration method that uses bacteria to remove Fe and Mn from groundwater. It also covers the groundwater characteristics, Fe and Mn pollution sources and the way it affects human health. The main objective of this work is to present the biological filtration method as a simple, low-cost operation and maintenance with Fe and Mn removal efficiencies between 85%to 95%. In this manner, a suitable technology for small waterworks is achieved, which is particularly suited for people in rural
areas or small cities. Alarcón, Ramiro. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná. Dpto. Materias Básicas. Ingles II. Ing.Electrónica; Argentina Alvarez, Jorgelina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná. Dpto. Materias Básicas. Ingles II. Ing. Civil; Argentina Peer Reviewed