Filtering useless data at the source
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Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación, CACIC (25º : 2019 oct. 14-18 : Río Cuarto, Argentina) pp. 879-888
Pessolani, Pablo
Quaglia, Constanza
Nou, Ramón
There are some processing environments where an application reads remote sequential files with a large number of records only to use some of them. Examples of those environments are servers, proxies, firewall and intrusion detection log analysis tools, sensor log analysis, large scientific datasets processing, etc. To be processed, all file records must be transferred through the network, and all of them must be processed by the application. Some of the transferred records would be discarded immediately by the application because it has no interest in them, but they just consumed network bandwidth and operating system’s cache buffers. This article proposes to filter records from the source of data but without changing the application. Those records of interest will be transferred without modifications but only references to the other records will be transferred from the source to the consuming application. At the application side, the sequence of records is rebuilt, keeping the content of records of interest and filling the others with dummy values which will be discarded by the application. As the number and length of records are preserved (and therefore the file size), it is not necessary to modify the application. Once a filtering rule is applied to a file, only the useful records and references to unuseful ones will be transferred to the application side reducing network usage, transfer time, and cache utilization. A modified (but compatible) version of NFS protocol was developed as a proof of concept. Fil: Pessolani, Pablo Andrés. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Departamento de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información; Argentina. Fil: Quaglia, Constanza. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Departamento de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información; Argentina. Fil: Nou Castell, Ramón. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores. Barcelona Supercomputing Center; España.