Permeable concrete and its use to regulate the efficiency of watersheds in urban areas.
Heit, Cristian
Vittor, Juan
Abstract: At present, cities in many parts of the world are affected by floods or storm runoff regulation problems due to the fact that there are
more and more impervious surfaces that prevent a correct flow and absorption of water into the watershed. These problems not only affect
people's quality of life, but also alter natural ecosystems.
Permeable concretes have very specific and necessary characteristics to solve surface waterproofing problems such as their permeability,
porosity, resistance to compression and their density, which have been developed and improved over the years. In addition, through studies
and depending on their application, it is proven that they provide great benefits such as the reduction of the heat island effect, their hydraulic
performance, the reduction of traffic noise on the roads and a high slip resistance, which makes them nowadays one of the best and most
efficient alternatives for use for urbanizations with a friendly environmental footprint. Fil: Heit, Cristian. Universidad Tecnológica Nacinal. Facultad Regional Paraná; Argentina Fil: Vittor, Juan. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Paraná; Argentina Peer Reviewed