Impacto de la utilización de tecnologías informáticas frente a la búsqueda de eficiencia energética en organizaciones
Nahuel, Leopoldo
Currently, energy consumption is gaining importance as a part of organizational management. Thanks to new Information Technologies (IT) applications is possible to offer new ways to manage the state of the energy efficiency levels, and due to its importance, this article analyses the impact of IT applications in organizations longing to improve its energy consumption levels.
Following the line of analysis and research, we will be presenting the development of a software tool that enables organizations to implement self-management in energy efficiency related topics, taking into account the requirements to implement and certify the ISO 50.001 specification for an Energy Management System (EMS), and showing progress in the development of IT applications, included as part of the research activities of the R&D project (approved by SCTyP of the UTN government board) named “Energetic survey instruments and needed algorithms for an organizational energy efficiency management software development”. Fil: Nahuel, Leopoldo. UTN (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional); Argentina Peer Reviewed