Tattoos and piercing: considerations about the scope of a municipal statue in Cordoba City [Tatuajes y piercing: Consideraciones sobre el alcance de una ordenanza municipal en la Ciudad de Córdoba]
Verduzco, J.M.
LLaryora, S.M.
Municipal statues are legal tools ratified by the municipal legislative power, stablishing rules in the corresponding scope. This rules have the aim of regulating different activities, over which the Municipality police power is excercised. Many of this activities are related to public health, because they can cause diseases in the population exposed to them. The practice of tattoing and piercing is one of this activities able to cause diseases. Due to this fact, the Municipality of Córdoba has sanctioned statue 10962 in order to control this ancestral practice. Fil: Verduzco, J.M. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Argentina Fil: LLaryora, S.M. Hospital Tránsito Cáceres de Allende, Córdoba (5000), Buchardo 1250, Argentina