Optimizing an intensive energetically integrated cryogenic process
Laiglecia, Juan Ignacio
Rodriguez, Mariela
Hoch, Patricia
Díaz, María Soledad
Fil: Laiglecia, Juan Ignacio. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química (PLAPIQUI), CONICET. Bahía Blanca, Argentina Fil: Rodriguez, Mariela. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química (PLAPIQUI), CONICET. Bahía Blanca, Argentina Fil: Hoch, Patricia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química, PLAPIQUI. CONICET. Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Fil: Díaz, María Soledad. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química, PLAPIQUI. CONICET. Bahía Blanca, Argentina. We perform dynamic optimization of an integrated turboexpansion natural gas processing plant. Cryogenic countercurrent heat exchangers with partial condensation have been modeled through dynamic mass, energy and momentum balances in both phases, and thermodynamics with the SRK equation of state. The demethanizer model includes path constraints on CO2 solubility in the upper stages. Dynamic separation vessels and static turboexpander models have been included. The DAE optimization problem has been transformed into a large NLP applying orthogonal collocation over nite elements in time. An IP method with rSQP techniques is used. Optimization variables are top pressure in the demethanizer and a bypass fraction in heat exchangers. The objective is to maximize ethane
recovery, when changing to a different operating mode or when step and ramp changes are introduced
in feed owrate. Numerical results provide optimal temporal and spatial pro les and have been compared
to plant data, with good agreement.