A guide to noxious plants as an educational resource of Veterinary Medicine students.
El estudio de las plantas tóxicas con estudiantes de Medicina Veterinaria.
Klich, Maria Guadalupe
Atencio, Gisele
Autalán, Natalia
Chazarreta, Melisa G.
Estavanacio, Gracias
Fernández, Beatriz
Busson, Silvina A.
Lucero, Gabriela
Moscovakis, Erika
Peña, Silvia
Shaap, Bárbara
Vallejo, Danila
Fil: Klich, María Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Atencio, Gisele. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Autalán, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Chazarreta, Melisa. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Estavanacio, Gracias. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Fernández, Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Busson, Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Lucero, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Moscovakis, Erika. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Peña, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Shaap, Barbara. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina Fil: Vallejo, Danila. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Río Negro, Argentina M G Klich, G Atencio, N Autalán, C Busson, M Chazarreta, G Estevanacio, B Fernández, G Lucero, E Moscovakis, S Peña, B Shaap and D Vallejo. 2013. A guide to noxious plants as an educational resource of Veterinary Medicine students. Proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress. Sidney, Australia. 1587-1588 The School of Veterinary UNRN is located in the town of Choele Choel (39° 17'S, 65° 39'W), in Northern Patagonia, Argentina. The climate is semi-arid with a historical average annual continental rainfall of 303 mm, with marked daily and seasonal temperature ranges. However, the type of vegetation that can be found in the area ranges fromxerophytic shrubs to hydrophytic vegetation because the arid plateau is crossed by the broad valley of Río Negro. Due to the topographic distribution of agricultural and livestock farms, the toxic plants for livestock may be found in the irrigated valleys or arid shrubby camps. “Agricultural Bases and Zootechny” is a second year course during the Veterinary Career at the National University of Río Negro (UNRN). Students are introduced to general agronomy practices in order to become familiar
with land and livestock management. The basic principles of forage use and production are explained as a relation between soil, water and plants. One of the topics analysed during the course is livestock management and plant toxicity. The possibility of consumption of noxious plant material by livestock is more pronounced during drought, or after overgrazing, due to reduced opportunity for
selective grazing. Factors affecting plant toxicity include plant growth phase, the plant parts, environmental conditions, and livestock species sensitivity to certain plant species. A key to evade toxic effects is to be able to identify noxious plants and to know their growth habits and toxicology, the clinical signs they cause, the methods for treating the affected animals and the strategies to prevent poisonings. During the university course, and without entering into more advanced subjects like toxicology and physiology, the presence and effect of toxic plants are described. In order to encourage the study of the theme by future veterinaries, a guide of the toxic plants found in lands zone near the Veterinary school was proposed as an additional
investigation activity. Participation was free and this paper is presented by the professor in charge as first author with the co authorship of the collaborating students from two courses, years 2011 and 2012. The aim of this developing work is to prepare a booklet to be used by veterinaries and agronomist and to share with the zonal cattle managers.