Nonsupersymmetric gauge coupling unfication in [SU(6)]4× Z4 and proton stability
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Ponce Gutiérrrez, William Antonio
Pérez Lorenzana, Abdel
Zepeda Domínguez, Arnulfo
ABSTRACT: We systematically study the three family extension of the Pati-Salam gauge
group with an anomaly-free single irreducible representation which contains the known quarks
and leptons without mirror fermions. In the context of this model we implement the survival
hypothesis, the modified horizontal survival hypothesis, and calculate the tree level masses for
the gauge boson and fermion fields. We also use the extended survival hypothesis in order to
calculate the mass scales using the renormalization group equation. The interacting Lagrangean
with all the known and predicted gauge interactions is explicitly displayed. Finally the stability
of the proton in this model is established. COL0008423