Analyzing other effective measures for biodiversity conservation: the case of the complementary strategies in Colombia.
Matallana-Tobón, Clara L.
Areiza Tapias, Alexandra
Solano, Clara
Galán, Sandra
Santamaría, Marcela
Llano, Carlota
Franco, César
Pérez, Sonia
Colombia has made a considerable effort in order to accomplish the Aichi target 11 (13.71% land, 8.49% oceans), by strengthening current protected areas and establishing new ones in ecosystems poorly represented on the national protected area system. Nevertheless, it is well known that countries will hardly achieved the Aichi target 11 by 2020 if they do not take into account Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures - OECM. Hawái, Estados Unidos Gestión Territorial de la Biodiversidad Congreso Mundial de la Naturaleza de la IUCN