Has Barrio Abajo a patrimonial value or it is just a residential neighborhood?
¿Barrio Abajo tiene valor patrimonial o sólo es un barrio residencial?/Has Barrio Abajo a patrimonial value or it is just a residential neighborhood?
Rosmery Suárez
This paper is a preliminary exploration of the patrimonial value of the Barrio Abajo neighborhood, not just as foundational neighborhood of the city of Barranquilla and its historical meaning, but for being an urban space where cultural events take place. Moreover it is an articulated social network with the historical centre, which is now valued as a city heritage. To value Barrio Abajo as patrimony in the Land Use Plan will mean to protect it from demolition to create highways, shopping centers, among others, but also has architectural value as the Barrio Alto Prado, sought to demonstrate its social value to be guarantor of tradition and identity of the city and therefore necessary for social development. Este artículo es una exploración preliminar del valor patrimonial del Barrio Abajo, no sólo como barrio fundacional de la ciudad de Barranquilla, y su significado histórico, sino en el abanico cultural que se desenlaza en su espacio urbano como red social articulada al centro histórico, y ahora valorado como patrimonio de la ciudad. El valorar dentro del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT) a Barrio Abajo como patrimonio, significaría protegerle de la demolición en aras de nuevos desarrollos urbanísticos como ampliación de vías, nuevos centros comerciales, entre otros, y aunque también goza de valor arquitectónico como el Barrio Alto Prado, busca demostrarse su valor social al ser garante de tradiciones e identidad de ciudad y por tanto necesario para el desarrollo social.This paper is a preliminary exploration of the patrimonial value of the Barrio Abajo neighborhood, not just as foundational neighborhood of the city of Barranquilla and its historical meaning, but for being an urban space where cultural events take place. Moreover it is an articulated social network with the historical centre, which is now valued as a city heritage. To value Barrio Abajo as patrimony in the Land Use Plan will mean to protect it from demolition to create highways, shopping centers, among others, but also has architectural value as the Barrio Alto Prado, sought to demonstrate its social value to be guarantor of tradition and identity of the city and therefore necessary for social development.